Fathers’ Rights Attorney Serving Collin County, Denton County, and the Surrounding Areas

Advocating for Fathers' Rights in Child Custody Cases

Every child deserves to have a father in their life. Sadly, some children are deprived of a relationship with their fathers. While there are situations where this may be unavoidable, such as when a father dies, there are also far too many cases where fathers are unfairly excluded from their children's lives. In some divorce, child custody, and family law cases, fathers may struggle to protect their parental rights and ensure that they can maintain ongoing relationships with their children. To prevent this from happening, a parent can work with an attorney who understands how to protect fathers' rights.

At The Ramage Law Group, we provide strong, effective representation for fathers in family law cases. We work to help fathers demonstrate that they have been involved in their children's lives in the past, that they are capable of providing the necessary care, and that their children deserve to maintain strong relationships with them. Whether a father is fighting for sole or joint custody, we can advocate for solutions that will allow him to provide for his children's best interests both immediately and in the years to come.

Fathers Have Equal Parental Rights

In Texas, the laws that address parental rights are gender-neutral. This means that in the eyes of the law, neither fathers nor mothers should be given preference when addressing issues related to child custody. Unfortunately, this does not always mean that courts will take a neutral approach when addressing disputes between parents. Far too often, fathers feel that they are treated as the "lesser" parent, and they may worry that courts will assume that mothers should have primary or sole custody of children.

Many attitudes that people have about the roles that fathers play are based on antiquated notions about parental responsibilities. It is sometimes assumed that a father's primary responsibilities are limited mostly to the area of earning income, while mothers may be assumed to focus on feeding, clothing, and otherwise caring for children, along with other responsibilities around the home.

However, most modern families do not function in this way. In many cases, fathers and mothers will both maintain full-time employment, and they will divide household responsibilities in whatever manner works for their family. Fathers will often handle a variety of child-related tasks, including cooking and serving meals, bathing and grooming children, helping with homework, providing discipline, participating in school activities, and much more. Child custody agreements should reflect the ways parents have been involved in their children's lives, allowing them to maintain the same relationships with their children that they have had in the past.

Addressing Fathers' Rights in Child Custody Cases

During a divorce or any other case where issues related to child custody need to be addressed, fathers' rights and their relationships with their children should be protected. We can help fathers determine how to protect their rights in areas such as:

Contact Our Collin and Denton County Child Custody Attorneys

To protect their rights, fathers will need a strong legal advocate during family law proceedings. The Ramage Law Group can provide representation in these situations, helping fathers demonstrate that they can provide for children's needs and that it would be in children's best interests to have a close, ongoing relationship with them. If you want to know more about how we can help you address issues related to fathers' rights in a divorce or child custody case, contact us at 972-597-1072.

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